Aktuelle Seite: Startseite » Bioinformatik in Deutschland » Forschung » Zentren » Buchmann Institute for Molecular Life Sciences

Buchmann Institute for Molecular Life Sciences

Bundesland: Hessen

Stadt: Frankfurt am Main

AGs: 1


The Institute was founded in 2009 as part of the Cluster of Excel­lence Frankfurt Molecular Complexes (CEF). We aim at under­standing macro­mole­cular complexes, in parti­cular the molecular mecha­nisms under­lying cellular functions. The Institute is composed of twelve scien­tific groups from various disci­plines including biology, physics, chemistry, and medicine. We are dedicated to perform basic research with biome­dical relevance, to train young scien­tists, and to develop frontier techno­logies in life sciences.


Bioin­for­matik-Arbeits­gruppen am BMLS:

Kathi Zarnack: Compu­ta­tional RNA Biology


Buchmann Institute for Molecular Life Sciences
Goethe University Frankfurt
Riedberg Campus
Max-von-Laue-Str. 15
60438 Frankfurt am Main