Aktuelle Seite: Startseite » Bioinformatik in Deutschland » Forschung » Arbeitsgruppen » Dr. Janosch Hennig: Integrated structural biology of translation regulation mechanisms
Dr. Janosch Hennig: Integrated structural biology of translation regulation mechanisms
Bundesland: Baden-Württemberg
Stadt: Heidelberg
Leiter: Dr. Janosch Hennig
Zentrum: European Molecular Biology Laboratory
- Investigation of the structural basis for RNA recognition by the C‑terminal NHL domain of different TRIM proteins
- Investigation of the structural basis for E2-E3 recognition within the ubiquitin system, between the N‑terminal domains of TRIM proteins and protein interaction partners
- Linking complexes formed at the C‑terminal and N‑terminal domain and get a detailed picture of how TRIM proteins regulate stem cell development
- Transfer the knowledge to other TRIM proteins involved in immunity
- Develop and improve methods for integrated structural biology
Internetpräsenz: https://www.embl.de/research/units/scb/hennig/index.html
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