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European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL)

Bundesland: Baden-Württemberg

Stadt: Heidelberg

AGs: 13



The European Molecular Biology Laboratory is an inter­na­tio­nally renowned research insti­tution, with stations in Germany (Heidelberg and Hamburg), the United Kingdom (Hinxton), France (Grenoble) and Italy (Montero­tondo). Heidelberg serves as EMBL’s headquarters, hosting a range of groups with a broad diversity of research interests, exploring new frontiers in basic molecular biology. EMBL Heidelberg has an extensive and growing bioin­for­matics community: currently more than 40% of resear­chers at the laboratory spend the majority of their time on compu­ta­tional work. Colla­bo­ration between these compu­ta­tional scien­tists and those at the bench is one of the key strengths of EMBL Heidelberg. It encou­rages the develo­pment of new research methods, innovation in new technology and software, and the estab­lishment of resources and services for the wider scien­tific community. Scien­tific partner­ships are formed between different research groups and across EMBL outsta­tions and other leading insti­tu­tions. This pioneering approach can have great impact in trans­la­tional research, such as in the foundation of the Molecular Medicine Partnership Unit (MMP), which connects molecular research directly with medicine.

Bioin­for­matik-Arbeits­gruppen am EMBL:

Dr. Theodore Alexandrov: Alexandrov Team

Dr. Martin Beck: Beck Group

Dr. Peer Bork: Bioin­for­matics

Dr. Jan Ellenberg: Protein networks during cell division and early embryonic develo­pment

Dr. Tony Gibson: Gibson Group

Dr. Wolfgang Huber: Genomics, multi-omics and statis­tical computing

Dr. Jan Korbel: Big data analytics in human genomics

Dr. Jeroen Krijgsveld: Functional proteomics

Dr. Kiran Raosaheb Patil: Patil Group

Dr. Lars Steinmetz: Systems Genetics and Precision Health

Dr. Judith Zaugg: Zaugg Group

Dr. Georg Zeller: Bioin­for­matics Service and Micro­biome Data Analysis

Prof. Dr. Julio Saez-Rodriguez: Systems Biome­dicine


European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL)
Meyer­hof­straße 1
69117 Heidelberg