Aktuelle Seite: Startseite » Bioinformatik in Deutschland » Forschung » Zentren » Fraun­hofer Institute for Cell Therapy and Immunology

Fraun­hofer Institute for Cell Therapy and Immunology

Bundesland: Sachsen

Stadt: Leipzig



The Bioin­for­matics Unit develops and estab­lishes computer-aided methods for the identi­fi­cation and verifi­cation of new biomarkers for perso­na­lized diagnosis and prognosis of diseases as well as for the detection of novel thera­peutic targets.
It has only been known for a few years that a multitude of RNA molecules are not trans­lated into proteins. The latest scien­tific findings show that those non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) perform fine-regulatory tasks in gene regulation and are therefore suitable as markers for individual disease stages as well as for disease progression. The unit develops strategies for the efficient processing and (statis­tical) analysis of molecular biolo­gical data that has been gained from extensive clinical cohorts based on next-generation sequencing, micro­arrays, as well as by DNA‑, RNA‑, and epige­netic analytics in order to detect disease relevant ncRNAs. The gene regulatory mecha­nisms of ncRNAs are modeled by using methods from systems biology and RNA compu­ta­tional biology.
Our objective is to analyze the potential of these innovative RNA molecules as biomarkers or thera­peutic targets and to establish them as appro­priate clinical markers or targets.

Bioin­for­matik-Arbeits­gruppen am Fraun­hofer IZI:
Dr. Kristin Reiche: Compu­ta­tional Diagno­stics

Fraun­hofer Institute of Cell Therapy and Immunology IZI
Perlick­straße 1
04103 Leipzig
