Aktuelle Seite: Startseite » Bioinformatik in Deutschland » Forschung » Zentren » Max-Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics

Max-Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics

Bundesland: Sachsen

Stadt: Dresden

AGs: 2


The Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics (MPI-CBG), founded in 1998, is one of 82 insti­tutes of the Max Planck Society, an independent, non-profit organization in Germany. “How do cells form tissues?” has been and still is the question that resear­chers at MPI-CBG are tackling from different angles. Molecular cell biolo­gists provide insight into basic processes of cellular life and organization. Develo­p­mental biolo­gists and geneti­cists place these functions into the context of tissue develo­pment in different model organisms like zebrafish, Droso­phila, C. elegans, or mouse.


Bioin­for­matik-Arbeits­gruppen am MPI-CBG:

Prof. Dr. Gene Myers: Bioin­for­matik und System­bio­logie

Dr. Michael Hiller: Compu­ta­tional Biology and Evolu­tionary Genomics


MPI-CBG Dresden.jpg

Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics
Pfoten­hau­erstr. 108
01307 Dresden