Aktuelle Seite: Startseite » Veranstaltungen » Online Course — A Practical Intro­duction to NGS Data Analysis (February 10–12, 2025)

Online Course — A Practical Intro­duction to NGS Data Analysis (February 10–12, 2025)

Advance your research. Under­stand NGS and analyze sequence data yourself.

In a nutshell

  • Learn the essential computing skills for NGS bioin­for­matics
  • Under­stand NGS technology, algorithms and data formats
  • Use bioin­for­matics tools for handling sequencing data
  • Perform first downstream analyses for studying genetic variation

The purpose of this workshop is to get a deeper under­standing in Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) with a special focus on bioin­for­matics issues. Advan­tages and disad­van­tages of current sequencing techno­logies and their impli­ca­tions on data analysis will be disco­vered. The parti­ci­pants will be trained on under­standing their own NGS data, finding potential problems/errors therein and finally perform their first downstream analysis (variant calling). In the course we will use a real-life NGS dataset from the current market leader illumina.

All workshop attendees will be enabled to perform important first tasks of NGS data analysis themselves. The course layout has been adapted to the needs of beginners in the field of NGS bioin­for­matics and allows scien­tists with no or little background in computer science to get a first hands-on experience in this fast evolving research topic.

The online course will make use of a web confe­rencing system. Hands-on NGS analysis will be performed in an inter­active browser-based data analysis platform. Before the course, you will get a printed manuscript.

Apply here: https://www.ecseq.com/workshops/workshop_2025-01-A-Practical-Introduction-to-NGS-Data-Analysis-Online-Course