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PhD positions in Data Science: natural sciences meet mathematics/informatics

The DASHH Call for Appli­ca­tions 2024 is open now until October 20, 2024:
12 exciting PhD positions are adver­tised at DASHH: Data Science in Hamburg — Helmholtz Graduate School for the Structure of Matter!
DASHH is seeking highly qualified and highly motivated candi­dates with an excellent academic background in the natural sciences or computer science/mathematics as well as a solid experience in programming.
DASHH offers data-driven inter­di­sci­plinary research topics in Particle Physics, Photon Science, Struc­tural Biology, Accele­rator Science, Materials Science with a work contract at the level of the German E13 salary scheme for 3 years.

Please find all PhD topics as well as the appli­cation requi­re­ments here: https://www.dashh.org/application/application_procedure/index_eng.html